Vaping Texas is a website that creates awareness among teenagers about the adverse effects of vaping and e-cigarette. They wanted to conduct a survey to enhance their approach of spreading awareness. A Survey is one of the most exhausting tasks for any organization, yet one of the most important tasks to get to know your customer/targeted audience. Vaping Texas's targeted audience were teenagers, the most difficult age-group to engage. Hence, it made their task somewhat more challenging.
A good survey is not forced upon the respondents; rather, it is presented just like an easy conversation with a natural flow. CogniAIm Survey Assistant uses fun, interactive, engaging, and natural-flowy conversation to take the survey. It does not feel monotonous like any other question-answer survey. Hence, it attracted teenagers, their targeted audience.
They were aiming for the solution of some targeted questions, like:
Challenges always knock your door at the beginning of something special. So, was the case with Vaping Texas. They also had some challenges ahead of them in the survey.
"Challenges are meant to be met and overcome," said Liu Xiang, one of China's most successful athletes. CogniAIm Survey Assistant helped Vaping Texas in overcoming these challenges. CogniAIm Survey Assistant can take a survey while having an interactive and engaging conversation with the respondent. CogniAIm proved to be the one-stop solution for every challenge they were facing.
When we perform a task, we wish for certain results. When Vaping Texas implemented CogniAIm Survey Assistant as the solution, they also had certain expectations for the result. And CogniAIm Survey Assistant fulfilled all the expectations. It proved to be the right tool for Vaping Texas to conduct an online conversational survey with teenagers being their targeted audience.