Tone Analysis

What do We Offer

Tone Analysis (Audio) is the process of analyzing mood and pitch of the speaker, in order to determine whether the author's attitude towards a particular topic, product, etc. is positive, negative, or neutral. It is performed on the speaker audio, and can be performed on recordings or real-time.

Tone Analysis for Audio is an excellent way to analyze customer feedback on your business. Once such example would be to utilize Tone Analysis for your Call Center.

We can perform automated tone analysis of your customer and call center representative. This would help you determine if the customer was happy with the support he received, and also whether your representative was polite in customer conversation. This can make a major difference in improving the qulity of your call center.


How will this help your Business?

Tone Analysis is a powerful tool to determine the tone of your customers. Tone Analysis can be utilized in various scenarios, with an ultimate goal of taking your business to the next level.

  • Call Center Quality Improvement: Automated Tone Analysis can drastically reduce the time it takes to evaluate the quality of your call center. Instead of human monitoring, automated tone analysis can regularly analyze the tone of your call center representative, helping you provide high quality customer interactions through your call center
  • Customer Support: Tone Analysis can help improve your customer support by analyzing all customer support interactions. Tone analysis can help determine customer mood during these support calls, which can give you crucial insights into actions needed to make your customers happy.
  • Product Improvement: By performing Tone Analysis on customers calling your company to talk about your products can provide an important feeedback loop for your products. By incorporating this feedback, you can improve your products for the market.
  • Product Sales: Tone analysis can help improve the performance of your sales team by analyzing the way they pitch your products to the customers. Feedback from the tone analysis can directly lead to better customer sales calls, leading to improved sales.

Our Engagement Model


Our Engagement Model is designed to provide the best of our services for Tone Analysis.

  • We discuss you business requirements to determine the scope of the project.
  • We plan the Tone Anlysis project keeping in mind your business need, our resources and timeline
  • We develop architecture and design utilzing our experience in the field.
  • We implmenet the Tone Analysis project, utilizing the latest advancements in AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning).
  • We perform testing utilizing real data for your business.
  • We iterate as required till the end business goal is achieved.