Sentiment Analysis

What do We Offer

Sentiment Analysis is the process of computationally identifying and categorizing opinions expressed in a piece of text, in order to determine whether the author's attitude towards a particular topic, product, etc. is positive, negative, or neutral.

Sentiment Analysis is crucial for businesses in the modern world with social media playing a major role in influencing the customers.

For example, suppose a customer tweets on Twitter: 'I bought this company's chair and it broke in a month'. If you were selling this chair, and did not analyze this negative feedback, it would have caused chair sales to plummet. If you were doing sentiment analysis, this would have triggered a negative sentiment feedback from the Twitter feed.

Automated feedback analysis would allow you to take an early action to remedy the issue so that your product sales is not impacted. We also offer Sentiment Analysis API, which can be utilized in the broader AI (Artifical Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) solutions.


How will this help your Business?

Sentiment Analysis is a powerful tool to improve and grow your business. It can be utilized for multiple business functions, with an end goal of taking your business to the next level.

  • Brand Image: Sentiment Analysis can analyze feedback on your brand presence across social media, and help you take relevant actions to improve your brand image.
  • Product Improvement:Sentiment Analysis can analyze product feedback from your customers. Based on this feedback, you can improve your product to increase sales.
  • Market Research: Sentiment Analysis plays a major role in assessing market sentiment for a trend. Based on the analysis, your business can launch a product or feature most likely to succeed in the market.
  • Social Media Impact: Social media sentiment analysis helps you determine daily social media impact on your business, allowing you to avert a negative trend about your business.
  • Feedback Management: Sentiment Analysis plays an important role in analyzing customer feedback. By doing an automated sentiment analysis, you can take quick actions to help and satisfy a customer.

Our Engagement Model


Our Engagement Model is designed to provide the best of our services.

  • We discuss you business requirements and do market research.
  • We plan the Sentiment Anlysis project keeping in mind your business need, our resources and timeline.
  • We develop architecture and design utilzing our experience in the field.
  • We implmenet the Sentiment Analysis project, utilizing the latest advancements in AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning).
  • We perform testing utilizing real data for your business.
  • We iterate as required till the end business goal is achieved.