Predictive Analytics uses machine learning and statistical models to analyze historic data and generate predictive trends and behavioral patterns from it. CogniAIm uses a variety of data mining and machine learning techniques to enhance its data prediction models and predict relevant patterns from data. Using state of the art machine learning models and techniques like Natural Language Understanding, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, and Artificial Intelligence, the CogniAIm's Team has predicted the COVID-19 impact in India and in the US- and has received accreditation for the same.
CogniAIm's dashboards showcase the data and predictive analytics performed, in a visual manner, helping companies make important business decisions. Our time series-based analysis gives the customer an idea of the progress with respect to data and time.
Our Process is simple and efficient. First, CogniAIm gathers all your business requirements and analyzes the data to work on. The ML engineers then perform data cleaning to retain the useful data. To structurize your data, we preprocess the data as per our requirements. We then use a dependency graph to extract important features from this data. We then perform the trio of train-test and predict relevant outcomes from your data using appropriate tools, variables, and reliable data sets. These results are thoroughly analyzed and passed to our visualization dashboard.
CogniAIm cutting-edge and innovative algorithms can help your business save its time and resources in the predictive analytics domain and invest them in other prevalent tasks.
CogniAIm's data predictions can help companies strategize efficiently through a better understanding of their data.
Predictive Analytics' varied applications in fields such as data science, marketing, business intelligence, healthcare, and social networking is making it all the range in the artificial intelligence domain.
Predictive analytics uses techniques like data mining, statistics, modeling, machine learning algorithms and artificial ...