Image Recognition is a widely used machine learning technique that can extract information from any image and classify it as per the requirement provided by the end user. Its core functionality lies in analyzing hundreds and thousands of images at one go, and looks for the information that a user wants to find from these sets of images. CogniAIm's expertly devised services process this bulk amount of data- which helps your business save on resources as well as the time taken to process one image at a time!
A major chunk of Image Recognition is done at CogniAIm using TensorFlow, which is an open-source software library, best suited for performing Image classification with speed and reliability. Along with TensorFlow, the engineers at CogniAIm also use Keras which is an open-source neural network library written in Python. CogniAIm's image classification technologies can tag, organize, and understand images and videos using artificial intelligence and machine learning.
At CogniAIm, this is how we perform the Image recognition process:
Our algorithms will help you obtain instantons results with precise accuracy. CogniAIm's computer vision platform drives market-leading image recognition accuracy. Image recognition algorithms optimized for your need will help your business undertake analysis, better understand your customer needs and improve your marketing and advertising strategy.
CogniAIm uses deep neural network models to efficiently detect and label thousands of objects in your images. For example, if you wanted to search a brain tumor, you would first have to feed the model with different brain tumor images and train it to detect one instantly. This technology is extremely powerful and offers solutions to a number of business use cases.