Travel Assistant

Hello, I am CogniAIm Travel Assistant.

How Travel Assistant Will Be Your Virtual Partner

Assistant can help customers in searching hotels and flights which suits them best.
new patient leads for your clinic
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Assistant can make Flight/Hotel bookings, while having an interactive conversation.
Assistant can recommend travel packages to customers based on their chat history.
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Interaction With Travel Assistant

Interaction with Assistant
Interaction with Assistant

Travel Assistant

AI chatbots

Travel Assistant is an AI-powered conversational assistant which is designed to simplify the process of planning a trip for a traveler.

  • Assistant provides conversation style hotel/flight searching to a customer, which makes the boring experience of searching a perfect hotel/flight a happy experience.
  • Assistant allows customers to book a flight ticket or make a hotel reservation while having conversation.
  • Assistant can also provide information about travel packages and help the customer in booking a travel package. Assistant's knowledge-base has information about travel packages and relevant detailed information. It can interactively answer queries from buyers to help them choose a travel package.
  • Assistant is smart enough to recommend travel packages based on a customer's chat history, for instance, if the customer wants to travel in spring, the Assistant will suggest places one can visit during spring.
  • Assistant not only helps a customer in planning a trip, but it also stores all the customer booking records. So, customer can find all the booking history at a single place.


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Product Benefits

AI chatbot benefits