Survey Assistant

Hello, I am CogniAIm Survey Assistant.

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How Survey Assistant Will Be Your Virtual Partner

Provides fun and interactive fun Survey experience compared to existing form based Surveys.
fun and inetractive survey image
conversational style and fun facts
Conversational style and fun facts significantly improves the experience, and increases attention span of the survey takers.
Provides interactive experience through various channels like Web, Mobile, Facebook, or IVR for your customers.
various channels ie. web,mobile,facebook,IVR Assistant

Interaction With Survey Assistant

Interaction with Assistant
Interaction with Assistant

Survey Assistant

AI chatbots

Survey Assistant is an AI-powered conversational Assistant which provides new interactive way of getting feedback from your customers. Assistant engages the customer in interactive conversation while collecting the survey feedback, which enriches customer experience.

A customer may frown at a long survey form, but not to a friendly survey assistant collecting feedback. People are more likely to interact with an interactive survey assistant, which allows businesses to leverage the conversational nature to enhance the customer experience and profile their target audience better.

Case Study

Survey Assistant Case Study - Vaping Texas

Check out this case study about how a company utilized CogniAIm AI-powered Survey Assistant to engage teens for a statewide VapingTexas Survey.

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Product Benefits

AI chatbot benefits