Real-estate Assistant

Hello, I am CogniAIm Realtor Assistant.

How Realtor Assistant Will Be Your Virtual Partner

Assistant provides new Seller or Buyer leads for Real Estate agents. This allows your agents to work on new leads every day.
new seller and buyer for real-estate agent
book appointment with real-estate agent
Assistant's appointment scheduling assistant allows Sellers and Buyers to book appointments with the Real Estate agents.
Assistant is intelligent enough to differentiate between Sellers and Buyers, and provides personalized responses based on the identification.
provides personalized responses

Interaction With Realtor Assistant

Interaction with Assistant
Interaction with Assistant

Realtor Assistant

AI chatbots

Realtor Assistant is an AI powered intelligent conversational style assistant helping you land new Sellers and Buyers. Assistant provides personalized and interactive Seller and Buyer experience for your customers. Customers can chat with the Assistant to find out about the houses for sale, or provide information about their own house they want to sale. This allows agents to have pre-qualifying leads and learn about their customer’s preferences before they even talk to them. 

  • Assistant’s knowledgebase has information about Properties on Sale, and details about offered Services. It can interactively answer queries from buyers to help them choose a house or engage your services.
  • Assistant is intelligent enough to differentiate between Sellers and Buyers, and provides personalized responses based on the identification. For example, buyers are offered existing inventory for sale, whereas sellers are asked about the house they want to sell.


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Product Benefits

AI chatbot benefits