How Coppell Adult Medicine utilized AI-powered Clinic Assistant to acquire new patients?

A CogniAIm Clinic Assistant Case Study

  • 200+ queries answered daily
  • 100+ appointments booked monthly
  • 600+ patients engaged monthly
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A clinic is a healthcare facility that treats outpatients. Patients find clinics through various channels like search engines, websites, calls and direct visits. Usually, patients browse online for doctors and visit their websites to obtain information about the clinic and doctor's specialty.
Coppell Adult Medicine is a clinic, which provides comprehensive healthcare for young and adult patients. Their services include regular annual physical examinations, immunizations, preventive care, well-woman care, and prescription refills.
Coppell Adult Medicine created a nice website which had all the information about their clinic, but it scored low feedback from existing patients because patients had to go through multiple webpages to find any information, which was a time-consuming task. New patients were having trouble in finding general information like timing and location of the clinic, and treatments available. This made visitors online experience unpleasant, which resulted in visitors leaving the website without signing up for appointment as a patient. So, the clinic wanted to increase lead generation by enhancing a visitor's online experience.

The Challenges they had

  • Information about the clinic was available on the website, but patients were having trouble in finding information as they had to pass-through numerous webpages to find a specific information, which was a time-consuming task, and this made the patients' online experience unpleasant.
  • A large number of prospective patients were visiting the website but only a few of them were signing-up as a patient with the clinic for treatment.
  • Clinic staff spent considerable amount of time answering recursive queries such as "Tell me about the services you offer." This took their time away from important clinical tasks.

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Our Solution to solve their challenges

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CogniAIm provided Coppell Adult Medicine with a solution: CogniAIm Clinic Assistant. Clinic Assistant is a smart, AI-enabled assistant that answers queries of patients. When new patients visited the website, they asked for information about doctor's specialty and available treatments. Once the patients were satisfied with the treatment and doctor, they asked if their insurance plan was accepted by the clinic and confirmed doctor's availability and timings for clinic. And when patients were comfortable with the timings, they asked for location of clinic. This whole process of question and answer was handled by the Assistant, which reduced the time spent by prospective patients in searching information. Here are some excerpts from real-time conversations.

The Clinic Assistant informed patients about the clinic and offered services. This provided patients with an easier approach to find the information they were looking for, and helped them in making an informed decision.
Assistant: How may I help you?
Patient: Tell me about the clinic.
Assistant: Internal Medicine doctor and her team at Coppell Adult Medicine provides a comprehensive healthcare for patients at age 13 and above.
Patient: Tell me about the services you offer.
Assistant: Our clinic provides the following services: Immunization, Cardio Therapy.
Patient: Which insurances do you people accept?
Assistant: We accept a variety of insurances including private and government options. Please see the complete list on insurance page. Click here (link to the insurance page)
The Clinic Assistant answered queries of patients while engaging them in an interactive conversation. This improved customer experience which generated new leads.
Patient: Hi
Assistant: Welcome to Coppell Adult Medicine Assistant.
Patient: Who are you?
Assistant: Think of me as a virtual Assistant.
Patient: How are you doing?
Assistant: Feeling Wonderful! What about you?
Patient: I am doing great. Please tell me the opening hours of the clinic.
Assistant: It is good to hear that you are doing great. Here is the information you asked for:
Opening Hours:
Monday, Tuesday-Thursday, Friday: 7 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 7 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
First Saturday of the Month: 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
When Clinic Assistant encountered a complex query, it responded with contact information where human staff can assist a patient. This enhanced patient's experience, as the patient knew exactly where to contact.
Assistant: How may I help you?
Patient: I want to book an appointment.
Assistant: Do you want to book a same-day appointment?
Patient: Yes
Assistant: We offer same-day appointments when the schedule permits. If you have an urgent problem, please call at (972)- ***-***0.

The results we achieved

The CogniAIm Clinic Assistant proved to be a good fit for Coppell Adult Medicine. Since the introduction of Clinic Assistant on the website, Coppell Adult Medicine has managed to streamline patient experience by responding to their queries 24x7. The Assistant provided quick responses, which enhanced patient's online experience and increased lead generation.

  • Instant response: Commonly asked queries of a patient were answered by the Assistant instantly. These instant responses increased the satisfaction level of a patient.
  • 24x7 availability: Clinic Assistant is an automated program that is always available. It assisted patients throughout the day. So, even when human representatives were taking a break, the Assistant was busy answering patient's queries.
  • Increased lead generation: Clinic Assistant answered queries related to the clinic, doctors and procedures. This helped patients in making an informed decision. These answers increased the lead generation, as most of the patients who interacted with the Assistant asked to book an appointment.
  • Cost-effective: The time which was earlier spent by employees on answering the recursive queries is now being utilized in performing a task suitable to their core expertise. This saved a considerable amount of time and money for the clinic.
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AI for your business

CogniAIm Clinic Assistant Case Study

The Smart Assistant of your Business
  • Available on
  • Web
  • Mobile
  • Voice
  • Whats App

CogniAIm Inc.

10601 Clarence Dr, Suite 250, Frisco, TX 75033 408-502-6736