How multi-channel customer support increases customer retention?

Picture yourself as a prospective customer of your own business. You are visiting business website to gain some insights about its services. You receive a message on Facebook. To check the message, you move to Facebook application. Now, you respond to the message and while waiting for the reply, you switch to business website. You would have to switch between applications if you want to perform both tasks simultaneously. How do you feel about this situation? Isn't this situation uncomfortable? Now suppose, you are on business website to get customer support and your long-lost friend sends you a message. You switch to the Facebook application and reply to the message. While waiting for the response, you can resume your talk with the business's representative on Facebook. You can perform both the task without switching between the applications. Isn't this situation beautiful? Now you might be thinking, can a business provide this feature to its customers? Yes, a business can. By introducing CogniAIm AI Assistants to its business.

CogniAIm AI Assistants are AI-powered smart Assistants, which can provide assistance through multiple channels like, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, IVR, and Website. According to a study, companies that provide a consistent service quality across multiple channels retain 89% of their customers, whereas companies that do not provide a consistent quality are only able to retain 33%.

In this fast-paced world, everybody is juggling between multiple tasks to accomplish so many things, in so little time. You as a business can reduce your customer's pain of switching between the applications by utilizing multi-channel capable AI Assistants developed by CogniAIm Inc.

In today's world, when everything is customizable. Don't you think providing customer service through a single channel is a bit rigid? People want options. CogniAIm AI Assistants allow customers to select the channel to communicate to your business. Imagine, you—as a customer—are having trouble with a product/service at midnight. You do not want to make a call at midnight because your call might end up in a waiting queue or in an even worse condition, you might not get any response as there is no one to answer the call. You cannot email the business because the average response time of a customer service email is 18 hours and you cannot afford to delay the solution till the next day. If the business had CogniAIm AI Assistants, customer could contact business at midnight through a live chat channel like Facebook Assistant or the Assistant available on business website. The Assistant can provide instant and silent support through these channels. The multi-channel feature of CogniAIm AI Assistants gives a customer the freedom to choose different channels for different situation.

The multi-channel capability provides the following features to your customers:

  • Ease of Access
    Customers can contact the Assistant on almost all the channels. So, whether the customer is tweeting or catching up with friends, they don't need to switch between apps to communicate with business.
  • Consistency
    No customer likes to repeat the same information again and again. CogniAIm AI Assistants can retrieve the conversation that took place on some other channel, so the customer is not required to explain the whole situation every time he moves to a different channel. Assistants on any of the channels can help customers the same way, unlike humans who are normally trained for only one channel.
  • Reduced effort
    Technological advancements are taking place every minute to reduce human efforts. People want to reduce the efforts they put-in to perform the same amount of work. Multi-channel presence of CogniAIm AI Assistants reduces the effort placed to do the same work.
  • Options
    Who doesn't like options? Options let customer choose what he/she likes the best, rather than getting stuck with what is available. The Assistant provides assistance through multiple channels, and a customer can choose whichever channel suits him best.
    In this era, when people are using different platforms (according to their interests), providing support through a single channel is like, putting all your eggs in the same basket. Multi-channel customer support not only enhances customer service experience, but it also benefits your business directly.
  • Increases Brand Loyalty
    When a business enhances its customer support service, it directly boosts customers' loyalty towards a brand. And according to a study, 43% of customers spend more money at brands they're loyal to.
  • Increases Customer Retention
    65% of a company's business comes from existing customers. A business cannot ignore such a large number. The multi-channel presence of the CogniAIm AI Assistants increases customer retention rate because satisfied customers don't switch to some other brand.
    The more channels you utilize to communicate with your customers, the more likely you are to satisfy your customers. Multi-channel presence of the CogniAIm AI Assistants makes the transition from one channel to another seamless and consistent, which enhances customer support experience and sales of a business.
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