How AI-powered Assistant can provide intelligent interactive experience to your patients?

What is the main purpose of a clinic? To reduce the suffering of their patients, right? Well, all the clinics focus on reducing the suffering caused by a medical illness. But in this competitive world, you need to provide an unforgettable experience to your patients. Let me assist you with this. You can introduce CogniAIm Clinic Assistant on your website. CogniAIm Clinic Assistant can help you in acquiring new patients and improve online experience for existing patient.

  • Instant Response
    When patients contact clinics, they expect instant response. According to a study, 37% of people use customer service Assistants to get a quick answer. CogniAIm Clinic Assistant provides instant response to your patient’s query.
    A patient calls the clinic to ask for a specialist’s availability, and his call is added to a long waiting queue. This incident will disappoint the patient. If there is a Clinic Assistant on the website, it will respond to the query instantly, which will enhance a patient’s experience.
  • 24x7 Availability
    Patients may want to schedule their doctor visit at any point of time, but providing 24x7 assistance is a tough task because clinic’s staff takes lunch break, gets tired and needs sleep. The Clinic Assistant is a program so, it does not get tired and it can provide 24x7 assistance without any breaks.
    If a patient calls during lunch hours and there is no one to assist the patient. This will turn into a bad experience for the patient. If there is a Clinic Assistant on the website, it will respond to the queries of patient even if human representatives are on a break or they are sound asleep at home.
  • Appointment Booking
    Booking an appointment is a time-consuming task and clinic’s staff spend a lot of time booking appointments. The CogniAIm Clinic Assistant can schedule patient appointments without any human assistance through interactive conversations. The automated appointment scheduling feature of the Clinic Assistant saves considerable time for staff.
    Automated appointment is scheduled by the CogniAIm Clinic Assistant, which is a smart cognitive assistant. This allows clinic staff to perform actual work that requires human expertise rather than scheduling patient appointment.
  • Answers queries
    Usually, patients have a lot of queries before visiting a clinic. Calling the clinic to get their queries answered is a time-consuming task. And according to a study, customer satisfaction level is 73% when they get support through a live chat on contrary to 44% when they get support through phone calls. The Clinic Assistant can answer their queries through interactive conversation.
    The Assistant provides a simple approach of answering patient queries. A patient can ask Clinic Assistant every time a query pops into his mind. Suppose, a patient calls clinic to know about the working hours of a particular doctor. Clinic’s staff answers patient’s query. After some time, the patient realised that he forgot to ask whether the clinic accepts his insurance. Patient calls the clinic and again staff answers his query. After an hour or two, he realised that he forgot to fix an appointment. The patient calls the clinic to book an appointment. If there was a Clinic Assistant on the website, then the patient could easily ask the Assistant. This would have saved staff’s precious time which was spent in answering queries.
  • Makes it easier to get information
    Finding information on website is a laborious task because patient has to go through multiple webpages. The CogniAIm Clinic Assistant helps patient in finding information. Assistant responds to the query of a patient with information and, if required, with a link to the relevant page.
    If a patient wants to know working hours of a doctor. Patient has to go through multiple web pages to find specific information. If there was a Clinic Assistant on the website, then the patient could ask the Assistant for doctor’s availability and it would have responded with information and link to the associated page.

The CogniAIm Clinic Assistant provides intelligent interaction experience to your patients, which helps you in acquiring new patients and in converting existing patient into recurring patient.

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