CogniAIm Smart Survey Assistant: The AI powered Interactive Surveyor for your Business.

How often have you requested a survey to be filled by your clients, but come up empty-handed? More often than not, customers abandon surveys mid-way because they find it un-interesting or too long and mundane. If the survey is not engaging enough, customers will attempt the survey just to get done over with it. This is dangerous, as the data collected through a survey may be used for analysis and market research. Improper data would mean that your company is investing time and resources in analyzing and deducing results from wrongly attempted surveys.

Enter CogniAIm Smart Survey Assistant who will not only engage your clientele in conversational surveys, but also entertain them with witty facts to keep up their attention span and avoid 'survey fatigue'.

What is Survey Fatigue?

Survey fatigue takes place when the survey taker becomes un-interested, bored, or tired of the survey process. This can lead to abandoned surveys and inaccurate survey responses. Survey Fatigue occurs due to the following reasons:

  1. Long Surveys. An article by Forbes outlines that 52% of customers said that they would not spend more than 3 minutes filling out a feedback form.
  2. Questions that require the customer to give elaborate answers
  3. Confusing questions
  4. Sending out multiple forms to be filled for the same product
  5. Questions that are repetitive or mundane in nature

Consider this use case:

Larry has recently purchased a clothing item from an e-commerce website. He was very satisfied with the overall service and delivery of the product. Shortly, the e-commerce website sent Larry a link to complete a "short survey". Larry was more than happy to convey a positive review for the company. However, the "short survey' turned out to be a list of never ending questions. These questions were monotonous and often repetitive in nature. After a page of answering questions, Larry got fed-up and finished off the survey by selecting irrelevant options to the questions!

A week passed by before Larry noticed his inbox had a new message. The message was from the same e-commerce company, requesting Larry to take the same survey through a "conversational assistant". The short email explained that their previous form filling mechanism led to survey fatigue amongst a lot of their customers. Larry was intrigued by this concept of survey taking. The Assistant smoothly gathered the answers to relevant questions while having a human-like conversation with Larry. Before he knew it, the survey was completed and Larry didn’t even feel like he was completing a survey. It all felt like a fun conversation! Larry was satisfied with the experience and the e-commerce company managed to get a completed survey.

Why should you choose CogniAIm Smart Survey Assistant:

#1 Conversational

The CogniAIm Survey Assistant does not resort to the traditional form filling mechanism. Instead, it adopts a conversational approach utilizing AI technology, where the survey taker is asked questions in a humane and interactive manner.

#2 Personalized Approach

CogniAIm Smart Survey Assistant is AI powered and personalizes every respondent’s experience by changing the flow of questions based on their answers. This personalized experience makes the respondents feel attended to, which improves the quality of data collected.

#3 Interactive and Entertaining

When a respondent feels bored, CogniAIm Smart Survey Assistant shares fun-facts with the respondent. This improves the engagement and attention span of the survey taker, which in turn will increase the completion rate of your survey.

#4 24x7 Availability

CogniAIm Smart Survey Assistant is available round-the-clock, so the respondent can complete the survey whenever the respondent is available.

#5 Omni-Channel Presence

The CogniAIm Survey Assistant can conduct surveys on multiple platforms like your business website, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter. This omni-channel presence of the Survey Assistant will help your business increase its outreach and target a different demographic of customers on every platform.

The Vaping Texas Case Study

Vaping Texas wanted to conduct a survey to enhance their approach of raising awareness about the adverse effects of vaping and e-cigarettes. This survey was targeted towards teenagers in the state of Texas. Teenagers are known to have a very short attention span. The teenagers were losing their interest while filling out these form based surveys. Subsequently, the survey abandonment rate was high and the data collected was of a mediocre quality.

CogniAIm Survey Assistant helped Vaping Texas in overcoming these challenges and keeping up an interactive and engaging conversation with the respondent. The results were exceptional! 90.00 % respondents completed the survey and the data collected was of top-notch quality. Read more about this case study here.

Summarizing it all, the CogniAIm Survey Assistant will improve the accuracy of your survey results and accelerate customer satisfaction. Visit the CogniAIm Survey Assistant website to explore more information on our conversational smart survey assistant.

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