Adopt Smart Voice Representative to Modernize the Way Your Business Handles Customer Interactions

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has extended its branches to different domains in technology. AI intends to optimize your business needs with relevant solutions and has empowered businesses to become efficient, cost effective, and self-reliant!

One of the predominant areas where AI has begun taking firm roots is in the field of Conversational Assistants. In this article, we will look at how CogniAIm AI -powered Smart IVR Assistant can take your customer satisfaction strategies to the next level!

Introducing CogniAIm Smart IVR Assistant - Intelligent Voice Representative for your Business

Technology is changing the way customers interact with businesses. CogniAIm Smart IVR Assistant is a virtual voice representative that uses artificial intelligence and voice recognition technology to provide the first point of contact to your business. For your customers, this is a simpler, smarter, and faster way to communicate with your business without having to invest too much time or effort that often leads to frustration.

Consider a scenario where a customer has called a service number for assistance. To talk to a human representative, the customer has to go through a series of menu-driven options. He then has to wait on the phone line till the agent is free. Once the agent is available, the customer is kept on hold again till the agent can find a solution to the customer's query! This often frustrates the customers and causes businesses to lose customers.

Your business can replace this long process with CogniAIm Smart IVR Assistant, and the same communication will take place in seconds. The customer will directly converse with the IVR assistant and ask his query. The smart assistant being AI driven, will be able to fetch precise details related to the customer's query, without any time delay. This will drastically improve customer satisfaction for your business.

The possibilities of utilizing CogniAIm Smart AI Assistant for your business are endless. Let us take you through the key areas where CogniAIm Smart IVR Assistant can "modernize the way your business handles customers".

  • Intelligent Handling of Customer Queries
    Instead of customers having to scour your entire website to understand the services your company offers, the CogniAIm Smart IVR Assistant will provide instant and relevant answers to questions posed by your customers.
  • Ability to make smart decisions
    The CogniAIm Smart IVR Assistant, while interacting with your clients, can smartly differentiate between new and existing clients and can answer accordingly. And the best part this can be done by training the assistant only once!
  • Better Customer Time Utilization
    Your customers will have the Smart IVR Assistant as the first point of contact to your business. Instead of the existing menu-driven solution where they have to select multiple number options before being able to ask a query, they will be able to directly converse with CogniAIm Smart IVR Assistant for better assistance. This saves time for your customer and is a much better business solution.
  • Smart Appointment Scheduling
    The CogniAIm Smart IVR Assistant can connect with your calendar to schedule, cancel or re-schedule appointments for you, ensuring that your firm never misses a customer. Staying in sync with your calendar also ensures that there is never a chance of double booking an appointment.
  • Round the clock functionality
    The 24*7 availability of the CogniAIm Smart IVR Assistant ensures that none of the customer queries go unanswered. This also reduces the need for a customer to physically visit your business to book appointments, make payments, make inquiries etc. All the information that a customer requires- be it regarding your services, functioning hours, discount offers etc, is made available to the customer virtually and instantly.
Why choose CogniAIm Smart IVR Assistant?
  1. CogniAIm Smart IVR Assistant has proved to reduce client query turnaround time and assures customer satisfaction.
  2. Eliminating the need to employ human resources to answer customer calls will prove to be more economical for your business. Human resources can be better utilized for business specific expert tasks.
  3. CogniAIm Smart IVR Assistant can handle large call volume simultaneously. The IVR assistant can also route customer calls to relevant stakeholders.
  4. The Assistant is multilingual and can converse in the language preferred by your customers. This helps you expand your customer base and forge the idea of language inclusiveness, thereby contributing to customer satisfaction.

Establish a firm ecology of reduced cost, enhanced customer satisfaction and increased sales, while bridging the distance between your customer and your business through CogniAIm Smart IVR Assistant.

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