Accounting Business: Boost Sales and Engage Customers through AI Assistants

Let me tell you a story about Jim. Jim, a young entrepreneur is looking for an Accounting firm that can file tax return for his small business. Jim is tech-savvy, so he starts browsing online to find an Accounting firm that can fulfill his requirement. He finds an Accounting firm's website and he starts looking for the information about the services the firm provides. Navigating through multiple pages in search for information is a time consuming task. Jim does not want to spend this much of time in finding information. Jim closes the website. Accounting firm loses a lead.

Jim now finds another Accounting firm's website, which is using CogniAIm Business Assistant. As soon as Jim visits the accounting firm's website, CogniAIm Business Assistant welcomes him. Jim directly asks Assistant, “Do you file tax return for small businesses?". The Assistant answers, “Yes, we file tax return for small businesses.". Jim is satisfied with the Assistant's answer. Now, he wants to book an appointment with accounting firm, so he asks Assistant, “Can I fix an appointment with your firm?". The Assistant schedules Jim's appointment with the Accounting firm. Accounting firm gains a lead.

CogniAIm Business Assistant is a smart Virtual Assistant that communicates with your website visitors through natural conversation. The Assistant acts as an Online Virtual Representative for your Accounting business, answering customer queries round the clock and generating leads for your accounting firm.

AI-enabled CogniAIm Business Assistant has the following features, which benefits your business and enhances customer experience:

  • Stay at home and protect yourself from infection
    Organizations are allowing work from home to protect their employees from infection. One should understand the seriousness of the issue and physically isolate oneself from the outside world.
    Drink enough water. Eat healthy food. Maintain social distancing. Avoid going outside. Maintain personal hygiene.
  • Engages Customers and Generates Leads:
    When prospective customers visit an Accounting firm's website, the Assistant engages them by answering queries related to services, like, “Do you provide tax services for businesses?" or “Do you provide accounting services for small business?". This way, the Assistant helps prospective customers in making an informed decision and generating leads for your accounting firm.
  • Manages Appointment:
    CogniAIm Business Assistant can schedule an appointment for prospective customers, or existing customers, without any human intervention. The Assistant can also cancel and reschedule appointments. So, even if you are not available, or busy with some other task, the Assistant never lets your accounting firm miss a customer.
  • Guided Task Assistance:
    The Assistant can help clients in performing a task on your website. For example it can guide customers for making online payments by providing instructions and then can direct them to the payment page. This makes it easier for customers to make a payment. Guided assistance enhances customer experience, and projects a positive image of your Accounting firm and helps in retaining existing customers and acquiring new customers.
  • Customer Support:
    CogniAIm Business Assistant provides customer support to your existing customers, by answering customer queries, like, “How do I submit a document?" or “How do I get my financial report for last quarter?". The Assistant does not sleep and nor does it get tired, providing instant support to customers round the clock. The Assistant removes long call queues, which saves customer time and makes them happy. Philip Kotler, an American marketing author and consultant says," The best advertising is done by happy customers."
  • Multi-language Assistance:
    CogniAIm Business Assistant is multi-lingual, providing assistance to your customers in different languages. This feature helps your accounting firm in serving customers of different background/region/culture, which increases the reach of your accounting firm.
  • Multi-channel Assistance:
    CogniAIm Business Assistant can provide support through multiple channels, like, Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, IVR, and Business Website. Multi-channel assistance to prospective customer/existing customer increases the accessibility of your business which helps your accounting firm in increasing customer base.

AI-powered virtual Assistant not only assists customers but also makes work easier for accountants by taking over mundane and repetitive tasks, like, answering common queries of customers and managing appointments. This saves considerable time and allows accountants to perform complex/higher level of tasks that require human expertise, like, preparing and examining financial expenses of clients.

All these features of AI-powered CogniAIm Business Assistant will help your Accounting firm get an edge over other accounting firms. CogniAIm Business Assistant improves customer experience and helps your accounting firm to build positive business image and loyal customer base, which eventually helps your accounting firm grow.

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